Yes, we are back in SA for our annual visit to Pezula. European visitors are known locally as ‘swallows’ and we always receive a warm welcome on arrival
The sun rises around 5am so it’s easy to hop out, whenever, and the warm sunny climate pulls you outdoors from breakfast to sundown? No wonder the locals are so healthy, just take a look at the Springboks!
Pezula Estate overlooks the beautiful Knysna lagoon and the tide flows in from the Indian Ocean. If you enjoy fishing or boating this is the place for you… however, I get enough fishing on the Moy estuary six months of the year so I stick to the golf.
We have a large troupe of baboons here on the estate and they roam around the place freely, however, they are proper thieves. Leave a door or window open at your pearl. They are a novelty to visitors but a nuisance to residents. On the course they look so innocent but as soon as you walk away from the golf buggy they will steal anything that is not secure… hats, club head covers, sun cream. One of them stole my tube of mosquito repellent and bit through it. What a laugh, the faul taste had him rolling around the fairway spitting again and again. He got at the surprise of his life!
Bookings for the coming season are rolling in nicely and I am looking forward to April 17… all I need is some dry weather and we should have some fish that first day.
‘Did you hear about the shrimp who went the the prawns cocktail party? He pulled a mussel’